Thursday, May 15, 2008

With a snip snip here

We went to the ENT (our bishop) today to check out Dean's frenulum (skin under the tongue). The bottom one is short but the top one (between gums and upper lip) is fine. He recommended we do a little snipping on the bottom so he doesn't have speech problems down the road. It's supposed to be really quick and easy surgery, but it is a little scary that they put him out. I know there's no other option, but I know how hard it is for me when my anesthesia wears off. I get all weird and loopy and sick to my stomach. Heck, I was crying uncontrollably after the laughing gas at the dentist wore off the one time I used it. Hopefully he doesn't have a hard time with it.


FoxyJ said...

Yeah, that is scary. S-Boogie has to get her teeth fixed in a few weeks and they want to give her laughing gas and I'm already getting nervous thinking about it.

Erin said...

My niece had the same thing. It's a good thing that you are getting it taken care of.
I hope that he does well with the anesthesia. I have troubles too and wouldn't wish that on anyone...let alone a little baby!

Jodi Reeve said...

thanks for the tip about crock pots!

when caleb had surgery a year ago, i was the one that was a mess, not him, kids always seem to do better with things like this

CASSIE said...


Kristeee said...

Fortunately these things are scarier for mommies than they are for the babies. And they usually forget about it later.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

I think recovery is supposed to be easier and quicker for babies. Some kids do it the first week they're born. My doctor likes to wait until they're 6 months if it doesn't interfere with eating, just in case it's not that bad later on.

He still can't stick his tongue past his bottom lip, so that's the "test" he failed.

On the up side, they checked his ears and he didn't have any pressure or infections. His ear pulling's not related to an ear problem.

Lindsay said...

Yeah definitely better to do it while he's still a baby. And I'm crossing my fingers real hard for you both that what was cut doesn't grow back like it did for me when I was 12. Yikes, that was NOT fun.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Lindsay, that's why my dr. likes to wait. He doesn't just snip like they do at the hospital because that can grow back. He does what's called a Z-plasty. It's permanent.

Lois said...

Z-plasty! Our little Dean is getting z-plasty! I'm glad you are getting it done now so that he doesn't talk funny later. Kids tease. I'm sure he'll do fine. Mom