Tuesday, April 22, 2008

On Homemaking

I have been trying my hardest to stay on top of things. Washing and folding laundry. Cleaning bathrooms. Getting dishes done the same day I dirty them. Filing. Straightening up. Picking up toys. Organizing our garage and closets so we can have a place for food storage. Menu planning. You know, general homemaking things.

Well, yesterday we had our first really warm weather of the year. It was 89* and since we hadn't turned our A/C on, it was over 80* in our house. I was really feeling the effects of the heat. I had a head ache, my stomach was nauseous, and I was just energy sapped. After my 3 piano lessons it was all I could do to muster up energy to play with Dean, put him down for the night, and finish making dinner. I couldn't face the few dishes we had. I couldn't bring myself to put away groceries (you know, the ones that are still sitting on my table). I was beat. (We broke down and turned the air on later in the evening.)

It was a little frustrating since I've been trying so hard to keep up. And then it hit me. One of the hardest parts about being a homemaker is that you never really finish anything. No matter how many times you do laundry, you'll have to do more. No matter how many dishes you've done, there will be more. There will always be more dust, more vacuuming, more of everything. It's not like you can just finish a project and move on!

So, I guess the moral of my story is, I should try and stay on top of things so my house isn't overrun by muck, but it really doesn't matter if I miss a night of dishes. Sometimes a girl's just got to sleep.

We were both in bed with lights out by 10:30 last night! And I did feel much better this morning.

I guess those dishes and groceries are calling me. And I think Dean just woke up as well.

Ah the life.


Lindsay said...

Isn't that the truth! It's a lot of work just to stay on top of things. Every once in a while I feel like I've got a good handle on things, but then life throws me a 1-2 punch and I feel like I'm having to start all over. I've learned, though, that if I tackle one or two big projects every week (cleaning out the filing cabinet, major scrubbing of the bathroom, etc), things tend to stay more manageable and then there's more time to play (which is what I'm seriously itching to do now that it's gorgeous outside!). I also have my "days" for certain regular tasks, and I make sure I don't over-burden myself on a single day. Like Tuesdays, for example, are laundry day, and the only major things I expect myself to get done are the washing, folding, and ironing. That's manageable in one day, even with the making and cleaning up of dinner and whatnot. This way I can always pencil in a little relaxing time, too. Anyway, good luck finding your own homemaking rhythm!

The Drapers said...

89 degree's? It was 40 here yesterday! Is summer ever going to find us? Anyhow I hear ya on the house work stuff. Now that Lily is more entertained by herself I have gotten to my big projects. Your right it never ends!

Sarah Pace said...

Isn't that the truth. I always tell MAtt that he gets to leave work for the evening, but my work is never ending! But I wouldn't trade it for anything else! I love taking care of my Family!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

that is a great idea. i've been trying to do that, but i haven't gotten a specific routine down. i need to map it out and write it down. and of course, stick to it!

I think the hardest thing is that I have piano lessons come everyday, so I feel like my living room and kitchen have to be somewhat presentable (since they open into each other). It will be such a nice day when we get a house that has a specific piano room. Man wouldn't that be nice.

89 is too hot for April in my book, but 40 is WAY too cold!! Sheesh. I hope it gets warmer soon!

I am so with you on that!! I wouldn't trade it for anything either. Some days I wish I could just wave a wand and make the dishes all disappear though. Or make dinner. Or whatever I'm not feeling like doing!

I seriously was made to be a stay at home mom. I can't imagine having to go to work and leave this all. Even having kids come for lessons is somewhat burdensome. But it all works out in the end!

Emily said...

Celia, I am sorry to say that it gets worse when you have a toddler who tends to "un-do" everything that was just done. A mothers work is never done... I am saying that constantly.

It's all about the nap times. That's when I use to clean, now that we don't have naps, I just squeeze it in anytime I can. I've tried to train my boys to pick up after themselves, but that is an uphill battle.

-Laura- said...

Amen! It just never ends. That's why I think the title "homemaker" needs a little more respect than it usually gets. Cleaning services, chef, teacher, lawn care, nurse, engineer, artist, accountant...we do EVERYTHING! You might be interested to know that I didn't do the dishes last night either (and I ALWAYS get them done before we go to bed). I spent the day painting Spencer's room (also in a hot house) and decided the dishes definitely weren't going anywhere overnight. :)

P.S. We turned our A/C on too.

Jacqui said...

Welcome to motherhood. Try it in a few years when you have a herd. Wow! Sweeping and mopping up the floor 5x/day++ is amazingly monotonous. (did I spell that wrong? looks weird.) Wasn't there a conference talk about making the monotonous things worthwhile?

Anyway, it's funny that you can handle dishes in the sink. That is the one thing I can't handle going to bed without doing. If the kitchen sink is clean and counters wiped, I am good to sleep, even if the rest of the house is a wreck.

Homemaking is never done. It's true. We just have to find ways to make it meaningful. And like my mom says, we have to keep up with it, or it only makes it worse in the end. (But this doesn't mean having a spotless house.)

I've had someone clean my house a handful of times over the past six years, and while it was wonderful, I found myself stressing out if the kids made messes b/c I'd PAID for it, darn it! So, I think my fam is much better off doing it ourselves. Ali and I had the thought that we should just rotate houses with our friends. Isn't it easier to clean up someone else's mess sometimes?

CASSIE said...


Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Emily-I know! I'm just glad I didn't start out with a toddler. At least then I can work my way up to it!

Laura-I am SO with you on the R-E-S-P-E-C-T (singing it in my head) issue. Sometimes I hate the "so, what do you do?" question. Rather, I hate the glazed over look accompanied by a polite nod and "Oh, how nice."

Jacqui- you must be a better homemaker than me because I can't in any case see myself mopping 5x's a day! But maybe I will and surprise myself.

Cass-Occasionally while I know it will just create more work for the next day, I usually don't mind because I know I'll most likely have a better attitude about it later. Or have more energy or whatever. Doesn't ALWAYS turn out that way, but oh well.