Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Showers

I guess yesterday wasn't April, so I don't know if the showers will bring May flowers. We had the 2nd or 3rd (I think 3rd, but I'm not positive) tornado warning yesterday since we moved here. A tornado watch means that conditions are favorable. A tornado warning means someone's actually spotted a funnel cloud nearby. They sound a siren and you're supposed to get in your house's "safe place". (Like there's really a safe place in TX houses. No basements here or anything. You are supposed to go to the inner most room of your house, but since our house is so small I doubt it would offer much protection.) The storm cut right above us, and we luckily just got an hour of heavy rain. (The picture was taken yesterday in Anna, a town just north of us.) Unfortunately it came just as I was supposed to start piano, so my lessons all canceled and rescheduled. (I have 2 1/2 hours of piano today. Pray that I-and Dean-make it through it without too many break downs. He barely makes it through 1 1/2 hours!)

Our first warning was on our 3rd day in town. A nice welcoming gift. None of them actually touched down in McKinney, but they did in nearby towns, Anna and Frisco.

Oh, and happy April Fool's day. That wasn't an April Fool's joke though. I'm not generally a fan of April Fools' jokes or practical jokes. I hate being the butt of a joke, and that's what usually happens.

This was my mom's original due date when she was pregnant with me. I fooled her and came 1 week late (April 7th, 1981 to be exact)!


Erin S. said...

That was really scary! I put the cats in their cages in the closet, just in case I had to run for cover. I'm sure they were pretty mad at me by the end of it all.

Erin said...

Tornado Warnings...that's scary stuff! You handle it much better than I would.

The Drapers said...

I do not miss that weather. I remember when we moved into our new house is Melissa, in May of 2006. We had been there 2 or 3 days and that one tornado touched down 3 miles from us. I can't remember the name of the town. Anyhow we got snow yesterday.. I am so over it... Hopefully the tornado season will go as fast as it came this year!!! I do have to say though living in Texas got me motivated to get our 72 hour kits done and our food storage started!

Lindsay said...

The first few times we had tornado warnings (and the accompanying freaky thunderstorms), I was pretty much scared spitless. But by the time we moved, they seemed to be old news. (Not sure why that was, though...we didn't have anyplace you could call "tornado safe" in our apartment.)

Also, happy birthday...in a few days. :) (I'll bet your mother didn't especially appreciate that little prank you pulled by coming a week late!)

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Les, that was the same time we moved into our house! May 5th we closed on our house and 2-3 days later there was that touch down in Anna.

Honestly, I wasn't frightened at all. However, I've never lived in a place where natural disasters really occurred. So maybe I was just too ignorant to be afraid?

Juls said...

Yikes about the tornados! I also do not like april fools jokes!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Les, Matt and I were just talking on Monday about how we really need to get our 72 hour kits and food storage up to par.