Saturday, April 26, 2008

Swimsuit season is upon us

Here is the moment of postpartum truth. It's been 6 months and here I am! (You might want to put some sun glasses on. There's a whitey pictured below!)

In the way of diet...well, I don't diet. Unless you count my Isagenix shake that I have for breakfast or lunch about 4 times a week. I don't count it since I don't use it with the mindset that it's diet food, just good food. Plus it's not really "low cal" or anything, just packed with good nutrients. I kind of just eat what (and as much) as my body tells me to. Some days I am ravenous and eat a lot. Some days I don't eat as much. I try and eat balanced meals and snack on decent things (like string cheese, granola bars, fruit, nuts, celery and PB), and that's about it.

As for exercise, I change it up quite a bit.
  • I have a video (seriously, a VHS video! Who even owns those anymore?) The Firm (abs) that I do probably 4 times a week. The work outs are quite short so I tell myself, "If I do nothing else, I can do 5 -10 min. of abs!!"
  • I jog (sometimes with Dean during the week and on Saturdays without) about 1-3 times a week.
  • Dean and I walk 1-2 miles almost every day. Sometimes he's strapped to me in the Bjorn and sometimes we go with his stroller.
  • I do a yoga workout (Brian Kest's Power Yoga- The DVD has 3 awesome workouts about 1 hour a piece), generally 1-2 times a week. It is an awesome video if you have done yoga before. I wouldn't say it's really a first time beginner DVD. I love that there are 3 workouts. They are really great and I don't get bored of them. I have another yoga DVD by Baron Baptiste and boy does it drive me crazy! I hate his routine.
  • And then there's the mama workout. Dean's a big boy! I'm constantly lifting and carrying the 20 lb (guestimating here) young'un. He also thinks it's fun to sit on my tummy while I do sit ups. And he likes when I bounce up and down and do plié type lunges while holding him.
So, sometimes some of those overlap and I do multiple things a day. It's fun. And since I only have Dean to worry about, it's still possible. On the up side, my legs and bum are the smallest they've been since High School. I have a pair of shorts from my freshman year of high school that I put on the other day, and they fit loosely. My tummy's quite a bit flatter than the last time I did a postpartum pic., but I am sad to say I don't think it will ever be exactly the same. The price we pay for our dear little ones. Honestly, I'm still trying to retrain myself to have good posture again. You know that's one trick to having a flat tummy, right? Tail bone tucked under, stomach pulled up and in constantly. (No, not sucking in and holding your breath all the time. Holding the muscles up and in.) I used to be so good at it. Pregnancy kinda threw that out the window. So, I'm reteaching myself.

I tried on about 15 suits today at Target since they were on sale. It was a little frustrating. If they fit in the chest, they were wrong for the body and visa versa. This was the second to last suit I tried on, and since it was a decent fit for both, I went with it. The little holes in the front were questionable, but overall it's one of the most modest suits I've ever's one piece with a little skirt attached. The skirt is kind of nice because it means I don't have to worry if I've used VEET recently or not. I seriously can't wait for the day I can get a full Brazilian laser hair removal! (I know, I know. TMI!!)

I think I'll keep the receipt for the suit and look at Kohls as well.

It's funny. Pictures are never as flattering as the image I see when I look in the mirror. I'll just chalk it up to bad photography angles. hehe.


Erin said...

Can I just say...I hate you! (In jest, of course). You look so stinking great and you're only 6 months postpartum! You must have won the genetics lottery. :)

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

I have to admit, there are some good genetics at play. My mom is smaller than me right now and she's had 7 kids!

Brooke said...

So cute! My sister just asked me if I wanted to do swimming lessons with our kids this year (since we're both in Snowflake this summer) and I about passed out. The thought of me in a swimming suit right now is so scary! Even though I'm only 16 weeks along--I can pass for 6 months pretty easily (especially right after a meal). Scary...I know! I'm a little worried for the next 5 months. ...But, back to look GREAT! And--that's a cute suit too. :)

Kristeee said...

I say you look great! That had to be a great feeling putting on those shorts from your freshman year. And good job with your exercise regimen! If our weather would even out, I'd be a lot better about it.

(P.S. I've been lurking for a while - congrats on your cute baby boy!)

Jessica said...

You are in Texas right? Jake and I are debating moving out there in July...yes the middle of the heat. I'm tired of the snow, he loves it out there since he served out there..what is your opinion?

Jessica said...

oh and...I'm extremely jealous of you body after having a baby, I wish I would look like that and I'm 9 monts postpartum

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Yeah. We're in north east tx. Dallas area. It's a good place overall. Matt hates the weather since he doesn't like the heat, but it's not too bad. The landscape is super boring in our area, especially after living in UT with mountains and trees and stuff. However, I know there are parts of TX that are quite beautiful. Where are you thinking of moving?

Juls said...

you are so brave to post pictures in your swim suit! I guess you never were really shy were you. You look great!

-Laura- said...

Wow, kudos to you for posting a swim suit picture! There is no way way you'd find my glowing body on my blog! (I think I'm whiter than you!) You look great!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Thanks everyone. While I don't think I posted this for compliments, they're always nice to hear!

Brooke, you so should do swimming lessons if you feel go enough! Pregnant ladies are so cute in swim suits. I actually didn't even buy a maternity suit until I was 8 months pregnant and needed a new form of exercise!

Kristee, thanks for de-lurking and for the great compliment. Here's a formal welcome! =)

Juls-you're right. I kind of have always been like, "BOOM! Here I am. Take me or leave me." I deal with life better that way.

Laura, you crack me up. My arms actually have a tiny bit of sun from all the walking. I never really get "tan", so I don't even attempt it. If I don't use 45+ SPF when it's really sunny, I just burn and peel, burn and peel.

randa_joy said...

I too looked FOREVER for a suit and finally found a really cute Anne Klein one at Marshalls. I have a long waist and the one-peices I liked at Target and Kohl's were too short bodied and the two piece tankini tops were either too short or too low cut. Anyway I'd try one of those type stores (Ross, TJ Maxx) too. Also I love the new cover-up I got at Target that you can wear as a tube dress or fold down the top and have an adjustable length skirt. SO CUTE! It comes in white, emerald green, black and dark brown. (This has not been a paid advertisement.)

Jacqui said...

You look fabulous darling. And you are eating CINNAMON ROLLS! Amazing. Love the suit. Very flattering. My favorite suit is the faille tankini from Land's End. It's fantastic, seriously. The skirt and halter top in black. Ask my sisters. I think we all have one. They usually go on clearance at the end of the season, but they might not have your size. I splurged and spent $100 on mine five years ago, and this is the first year I'll need to replace it b/c it's worn out. $20/year for a great suit is not a bad deal, really. I'm such a cheapskate usually (like can't stand to spend more than $5 on kid's shoes EVER. It kills me.), but this was worth it.

Can you just will some of my fat over to your body? I'll give it willingly!

Jacqui said...

Oh, and PS the only thing that is worn out on the suit is the bum of the skirt. I didn't realize this until I put it on in front of the mirror (THANK GOODNESS) and the skirt was flipped up in the back. I then noticed I could see my entire crackage (TMI, I know) because the lycra had worn through right in the exact spot. NICE! Glad I saw that before someone at the swimming pool did...or maybe they have...ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Lindsay said...

Blah...swimsuits. I have to buy one this year (my current suit, which I've sadly owned and used since I was 14, is now too threadbare to wear anymore). I've been scouring the internet for something that meets my standards of both modesty and price. So far, my favorite is a basic one piece from LL Bean. You look great in yours, by the way.

Also, are you as disgusted as I am by this trend in monokinis? Who in their right mind decided those were flattering?

Meg and Jeremy said...

You look great!