Monday, June 09, 2008

Poopin' post-its

Well, we have arrived at the phase where I will find random things in Dean's diaper if I don't watch him like a hawk. Last night I had him on my lap while I was at my computer. I had a red post-it by the computer with a piano parent's number. I saw him grab it, but didn't think to stop him in time. The next time I looked down I didn't see any of the post-it! I did a sweep of his mouth and got out what appeared to be half of it. Oh great. Well, I found the rest of it this morning when I changed his diaper!

He's not even crawling yet! What am I in for??


CASSIE said...


Amanda said...

just wait until you have more than one!! then the first one leaves stuff on the floor, and you can't watch the baby well enough to keep him out of it. actually that seemed like a lot bigger problem after i had three. my sister-in-law jokes that by the time you have four, you're grateful that your baby eats off the floor so you know he's at least getting some good nutrition. have fun!!!

Brooke said...

So funny! I still play the "what is that?" game. I've learned several things that don't break down in Ellee--corn, carrots, peanuts, tomatoes, potatoes, french fries, etc. It's kind of weird sometimes...but it leaves ya guessing!

Erin said...

Oh yes, I know this phenonemon all too well! The worst part is that it lasts forever! Anna is just barely starting to kick the "I put everything I see in my mouth" stage.

Lindsay said...

Ever since he could sit up and reach for them, Garrett's been stuffing paper in his mouth. Magazines, junk mail, you name it. I'm fine if he just plays with it, but then I'll notice a large chunk has been bitten off. And then I'll notice a big wad of it in his mouth. Do you know how hard it is to fish a wet wad of paper out of a wiggly boy's mouth? (Actually, you probably do :)) Hard stuff! Anyway, yeah...diaper treasures. Good times.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Too bad the fiber has dyes to go with it! But I'm sure all kids have done this at one point or another.

Yeah, Dean's been putting things in his mouth like crazy forever, but now he has two really sharp teeth and some chewing skills so it's much more dangerous!

Amanda, it's hard enough to make sure my messes aren't problematic let alone a crazy toddler(s)!

Ashley Canady said...

That is so funny! I have found money in my kids poop before. I took a picture of it. I will have to show you sometime:)