Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sit and Stew or Go and Do: A Svithe

We had a great Sunday School lesson today on Nephi and his brothers. Here is what I took from it.

Nephi was a doer. When difficult or troubling situations arose, he didn't just sit around and complain about "how good my life might have been if..." like his older brothers. No. He prayed. He took counsel from the Prophet. And he took action.

My mom gave Dean a cute kids book that adapted some Book of Mormon stories for kids. The illustrations are great and at the end of each story there's a Then and Now section on how we can be like the Book of Mormon heroes. Nephi's section is on not complaining. So, how can we apply that now?

Ask yourself: "Do I sit and stew about my problems, often take offense at others doings, or complain to anyone who will listen? or Do I pray and move forward, taking a step in faith that things are not as bad as they seem and can actually improve."

Remember: "A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes." ~Hugh Downs

The other lesson I was reminded of was:

Faith proceeds the miracle; miracles generally don't proceed faith. Meaning, those who believe will see the miracles performed in their lives. Those who do not believe will see miracles in their lives but will not recognize them as such, therefore they do not improve their faith. Or, they are hardened to the core of their being and are softened for a moment but return to their state of unbelief and wickedness shortly.

Ask yourself: "Do I tell God I will believe if He does what I want? Or do I have faith that God knows what is best and believe that everything will eventually work out for my good?"


Erin S. said...

Celia, Thanks for the synopsis of Sunday School! I don't get to be in there too often, well, ever, because of Primary. I really enjoyed the quote too! Thanks!

Jessica said...

The rules are: Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "you've been tagged" on their profile and tell them to read your blog.

Lindsay said...

I like this, this "sit and stew or go and do" philosophy. It kind of coincides with one my new year's resolutions to just get myself to DO rather than just sit and THINK about doing. Anyway, sounds like a great lesson!

The Drapers said...

Thanks for the thoughts from your Sunday School lesson. Our church was canceled Sunday due to the 14 inches of snow that we got!

The Wild Bunch said...

Celia, I love your entry! It seems like everyone this week has been inspired to write something to inspire me to make changes for the better! Thanks!

Amy said...

I love your svithes too. It seems like this one really applied to me and my hubby this week. Thanks!

Coleen and Todd Staples said...

I am so glad you posted this blog. I am going to use some of those quotes with my young women's group. And for myself too:). It reminds me that attitude is a choice. thanks for sharing your thoughts. Oh, and I read some of your blogs about the baby issues... It's really getting me thinking and preparing. So glad you blog! I'll be asking you the same things soon enough. Good luck.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Hey thanks guys. Your comments make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Th. said...


That is a very good question--!