Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sleep results part 2: night wakings increase

I've noticed that since I've been putting him down earlier (around 7) he sleeps about the same the first half of the night. However, the past few days have been entirely exhausting because of his second half of the night wakings. Three days ago he woke up at 4, 5, 6, and 7. Two of those required diaper changes. Two days ago it was 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. And last night it was 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7!!!! I had fed him around 12:30 so I didn't think he could be hungry at 2, and he wasn't. He went back to sleep almost the moment I picked him up. So when he woke up at 3 I let him cry himself back to sleep. That took him about 15-20 min. I, on the other hand, couldn't go back to sleep. I was still awake at 4 when he woke up again. Since it had been about 4 hours since his last feeding, I went in. He was hungry. I was able to go to sleep after that feeding only to be woken up again at 5. I mostly went in that time because I didn't want to be awake for another hour after listening to him cry. Same with the 6 and then at 7 he was up. Luckily I was able to put him down again at 8:30 and he slept until 10:40! A two hour nap?! Unheard of. He was probably just wasted from waking up every hour. I know I was! What gives? I think after my friend Alethia stays with us on Saturday I'll prepare myself for a few sleepless nights and start the sleep training. I'll go in around 12 and 4 if he needs, but other than that I think I need to make him stay in bed!!


-Laura- said...

Oh man, you poor thing! I sure hope you get naps in! Good luck!

Cannon said...

if you finally make the decision to sleep train, i have only one word.....earplugs.

Lindsay said...

Garrett was exactly like this when he was first learning how to sleep through the night. Drove me nuts. There's nothing that stinks more than having to go in every hour or so to calm a crying baby (except maybe having a husband who is somehow able to usually sleep through said crying and therefore isn't the one who gets up). I wish I could tell you how to fix the problem, but, as you know, each baby (and each mother, for that matter) is different and you kinda just have to figure it out. But you will! I promise you will! Just be firm and be consistent and teach Dean that, unless it's a true crisis (like hunger or a need for a new diaper), he can't just walk all over you.

Jacqui said...

So Celia, it is a SMALL blogging world. I was looking at my friend, Shannon Hiller's, blog and decided to click on a link from her blog to the "Askeroth's" blog. They are in VEgas and comment on Shannons blog a lot, so I wondered if I knew her from college. Nope. But, I did see a link to "Coons Family" on the Askeroth blog. I clicked on that, as I know some Coons, but no, I don't know this family. But they live in UT, so I scrolled down and saw a Post called "Yes, I know Heavenly Father Loves Me." I read it. It was great! It had 11 comments, so I clicked on the comments, and lo-and-behold the second comment on there is from my cousin, Silly Marie. Can't mistake that name, or your picture! What a small world. So now I'm curious if this is a Snowflake friend, or what! Just a little blog linking...


Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Jacqui, that's so funny! I've had similar situations happen to me.

Amanda (Slade) Coon is originally from Snowflake. She lived right behind us in a house that Grandma now owns. She moved when we were in 4th grade to Las Vegas.

Emily said...

Awwwwwwwwwww.... I will have to say that once you get YOUR full nights rest, the world does seem a little brighter. But know, that this is temporary, and pretty soon he will be a little boy with stinky feet getting into other sorts of trouble... I kind of miss those infant days, I got a lot more naps in during the day!

AmyJane said...

Yikes! That's really awful! I think we had a similar phase. I however, could never stand much crying in the middle of the night--it at least had to be the check and console method and I definately enlisted/forced my husband to take several turns. Hang in will get better, one way or the other. Nap with him during the day so you stay sane, and remember that he's still a very young baby and just learning this whole thing too! Good luck!

Erin said...

Oh, I really feel for you. We never really went through that phase. When you are at the end of your rope, just remember that it will get better!

On another note...I read the comment from Jacqui and your response about the Coons. I thought, "Hey, I know them" and found their link on your blog. Sure enough, they were in mine and Spencer's singles ward. The blogging world gets even smaller!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Erin, that is too funny!

J D C and N said...

Oh Celia! I feel for you...I've been having a fun time with Noah too. The longest he's sleeping now is about 3 1/2 hours and then he likes to wake up every one to two hours. It sucks when you wake up more exhausted in the morning than when you went to bed. It really stinks too because Noah came home from the hospital sleeping 8-9 hours stretch the first week. I KNOW he can sleep longer but he doesn't. Argh! But like Emily says...the baby stage does go by so quickly. Maybe I realize this more since Noah is number two. They are so sweet when they're babies. Maybe we should have a sleepover and keep each other company when the boys wake up. :)