Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Jogging down memory lane

I jogged around Provo today, probably for the last time. I ran up to campus, by a couple of old apartments, and up by the Temple. It was probably about a 5-5 1/2 mile run in all. I love running (though my now 9-10 min. miles would qualify more as a jog, I'm sure).

I used to hate running. In 7th and 8th grades we had to run the mile as part of our grade and it was fairly torturous. Though I didn't know it until 9th grade, I had athlete's induced asthma; I always just thought my breathing was out of control because I was out of shape or something.

How my sister talked me into doing Cross Country in High School, I don't know. Well, that's not true. I do know. It's the same reason I came to BYU-Provo with only a half tuition scholarship while I had a full scholarship at BYU-Hawaii. "If you're going to ever do [sports/school] with a sibling, this may be your only chance." I have a weak spot for siblings. That sparked my love for running.

The first day I ran High School Cross Country it was a fairly toasty afternoon. We ran the "Detour" loop that was about 3 miles. I tried my very hardest to keep up with J. (my sister), and though I'd never run more than a mile (and I don't think that mile really counted since I had to stop and walk because of my breathing) I was able to make it the whole way. She was probably running a little slower because of me, but she was awfully supportive, and running was much better with her than by myself. As we neared the High School, J. said, "I'm going to sprint to the end; you don't have to though." But my competitive spirit and determination (or the Lizonbee woman in me as my mother would say) decided I too could sprint up that final hill to the end. I did it, but I literally collapsed when I finished. I was dehydrated and over heated, not to mention my asthma and lack of natural running stamina.

I persevered and running got a little easier. I even ran at the State Cross Country meet that year in Phoenix where it was horribly hot. My best mile-stacking time was 7 min 24 seconds/mile. I ran CC 3 years in High School, and I would have run my senior year if it hadn't been for my 20 piano students. I just didn't have time. I continued running at college though it became more sporadic after I got married. It was a lot harder to pull myself out of bed in the morning if there was a warm body still sleeping next to me.

I'm hoping since I'll have a little time once we move that I'll immediately start up a habit of running consistently.

Speaking of moving, the movers come tomorrow morning so today will be our last day of Internet access. We'll hopefully be up and running again within a week. Maybe we'll end up at a library or something between now and then.

As Tigger would say, "TTFN." (Yeah, I don't know where that came from either.)

Oh, and I guess it would be the right time to say, "Goodbye Provo and all of your inhabitants. It's been a good 7 years!"


Lady Steed said...

Good bye. Hope all goes well with the movers tomorrow. i will surely be missing both of you more than before...since you will now be even further away in Texas. sniff.

it was wonderful to see you both. I will be eagerly awaiting your return to the internet...which I am sure will not be more than a week seeing as Brother Steed has a serious addiction.

good luck, we love you!

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.