Monday, May 15, 2006

How it all started...

My Grandma asked all of her grandkids to fill out this questionaire thing for Family History purposes. I started working on it today and ended up writing and writing for about 4 hours! I think I like to talk about myself. Maybe that's why I started blogging.

Anyway, I thought I'd share a small snippet from my 25 page mammoth of response to my Grandma's request.

How I met, dated, and eventually married the "Shy Boy"
I lived in the Alice Richard’s Hall in on campus my freshman year of college. In the beginning of the winter semester I noticed this quiet kid in the hall next to ours (Robison Hall) walking to and from school. He was pretty cute, and I knew he was in our ward, but I'd never talked to him. That semester I’d had troubles with my schedule and ended up adding a Sharing the Gospel class two weeks into the semester. When I walked into the class I noticed that quiet kid from my ward. I decided I might as well go sit next to him and introduce myself. (Later he told me that he recognized me and hoped I wouldn’t come over because he was a little shy about the whole situation.) Too bad (or too good) for him, I sat there anyway.

The next week my friends talked me into going tunnel singing (a phenomenon only found at BYU…it’s where people go into this tunnel and sing hymns on Sunday evening). They went to get some guy friends in the building next to ours and we ended up knocking on Matt’s door for one of his room mates. One of the girls ended up talking Matt into coming with us by saying something like “really, what better thing could you do on the Sabbath than sing hymns to the Lord?” I don’t know how that worked, but he ended up coming with us! I talked to him that evening as we walked to and from the tunnel. I found out he liked to ice skate and that he played hockey at home and I said, “Really? I’ve only been ice skating once in my life. You should take me sometime!" (Talk about forward! Haha.Ah well, what can I say?) When he responded “Sure, that’d be fun” I was kind of shocked. I told him I was joking and he didn’t HAVE to take me if he didn’t want to. He said he wanted to and asked if the next weekend was ok. Boy was it! We ended up going ice skating the next week. Me being the forward girl I am, I played the “helpless girl” card since I didn’t know how to skate. I grabbed his hand from the beginning and made him hold my hand almost the whole time we skated. WORKED LIKE A CHARM! MUWAHAHAHAH! *stums fingers together and says "Excellent" in a very Burns like manner*

I was persistent and kept going over to his apartment and asked him to study with me for the tests we had in our class. There was a time or two he kept his distance trying to make sense of it all. However, I won out and we dated the rest of the semester after which went to our respective states for the summer. My parents knew I liked this kid in my ward, and my mom even met him mid-semester. His parents, on the other hand, were first made aware of my existance when his dad came at the end of the semester to help Matt drive the 12 hours home. (His parents were totally shocked that he had a girl friend a whole semester and they hadn't heard one thing about her. But then again they were totally shocked 3 years later when we called to tell them we were engaged. He's not very good at familial communication I guess...)

I ended up flying out to CA to see him one last time before he left on his mission. My mom thought I was totally crazy for flying out there (as I'm sure did his parents, though I've never asked them). I mean, how many couples REALLY last through 2 years of the mission AND still like each other when they meet up again? (Personally I think it's more than one might think...) I didn’t know if I wanted to actually marry the kid before I went to CA, but that trip pretty much sealed the deal in my mind. That was July 2000. We wrote each other every week for the 2 years of his mission. Might I add here that he didn’t know he wanted to marry me until January 2003. He didn't want to marry me just because I waited or because everyone else thought we should. I can't really blame the kid; it wasn't really in his life script to get married so young. I was just too persuasive, forward and cute to resist! (I have to say that I bought my wedding dress over the Christmas break of 2002 and didn't tell him! Again with my forward thinking. He hadn't even solidified in his mind by then if he really liked me enough to marry me! Hehehe. Good thing that didn't come back to bite me!)

We ended up getting engaged in February 22nd and married on May 3rd of 2003. Three years later here we are, in a house that we own...sitting at our respective computers late at night, typing. Or at least I'm typing. He's playing a computer game, as always. =)


Anonymous said...

Good old Grandma. You are an inspiration to the rest of us to get off our excuses and get something written about our lives. I forgot "shy boy". That's all we called him that first semester. When I met him you were about to go to some big dance with him I think. He came up and just grinned ear to ear like he had won the prize! That grin won me over.

N.F. said...

What an awesome story!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Ha! One reason I was able to do it is because I really have NO EXCUSE to sit on. I have no job yet. All we do is shop in the morning/afternoon right now since it seems we continually are thinking of things we missed that are necessities. I have lots of free time in the evenings. What else am I going to do? Sit around and watch TV for 8 hours and eat bon bons?

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Oh, and thanks noelle feather for the praise. =)

Th. said...


I didn't remark on this? Shame on me.

So nice to have so many Qs answered.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

It's never too late to respond Th. It's always appreciated. =)

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.