Monday, April 10, 2006

Filing Frenzy

Today I had to go through tons of files to get information for our home loan.

I had to find:
  1. 3 months bank statements
  2. Tax Returns and W-2's for the last 2 years
  3. 1 month pay stubs
  4. Matt's signed contract for work
  5. 3 months of our IDEX statements (investments)
It really shouldn't have been hard to find all these things, but it was! I was getting so frustrated and angry at myself for having such a bad filing system. I knew the general area in which to find each item, but within the folders I had no organization. I had to open every single pay stub (2 1/2 years worth) to find the most current. Since we do so much online (banking online, direct deposit, etc.) most of our Wells Fargo hardcopies of statements weren't even opened.

I have paperwork strung all over the house now. There really is a paper trail leading to me...

When we move I'm bound and determined to figure out a better filing system. Anyone exceptional at organization of files? Any tips? Boxes or folders or files in boxes?


Th. said...


Have you tried the accidental fire method?

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

No, has it worked well for you? If so, maybe I'll turn pyro.

Lady Steed said...

hmm..I wrote and posted a comment yesterday and now it is not here....


investments? you guys have investments?

as for filing, I recommend a filing cabinet. Once i had one, finding important stuff became mush long as i remembered to put it in the filing cabinet in the first place.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Blogger is odd like that sometimes.

Right now we have a drawer in my desk that has hanging files and a plastic box that has hanging files. They're both jam packed.

As for investments, about 1/3 of our savings is in mutual funds. IDEX. We're also probably going to open a Roth IRA soon here too. Can't start too soon saving for retirement...

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...
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