For journaling's sake I figure I ought to record my thoughts on the history that's in the making.
On the first black president:This is a great milestone. It's pretty awesome. I honestly thought (and would have preferred) it to be Colin Powell, though. However, I have been a little frustrated with the media, in regards to race this election. They kept asking people if they knew people
not voting for him because he's black. They never once asked voters if they knew people voting
for him just because he's black. I mean, I don't know how much it really affected the outcome, I just found it a little frustrating.
I think it would have been more interesting for me to see Colin Powell run as the Republican nominee and Hilary Clinton to run as the Democrat nominee. I think then we'd really see how much race matters since the African American population is predominantly democrat.
I hope that it all works out. I'm not concerned about his blackness one bit. I am more concerned about his socialistic tendencies. I am a pretty staunch capitalist. I know there are a lot of people in America that think that capitalism isn't working and that it keeps rich people rich and poor people poor. I am constantly amazed at how different I view life and the American way than a lot of people. One particular thing that made me shudder when I read it was (from one of Matt's friends), "I think there
is nationwide agreement that our federal government should provide some benefits, some programs for us — programs that you could call "Socialistic." And that we should impose taxes on ourselves to provide these benefits or programs or whatever." The last line really got to me. Plus, all the shoulds and oughts of government...too much burocracy and too many loopholes exist that government slows down a lot of progress if they're involved. The uber rich and educated know the loopholes and it's the regular person that gets screwed.
Also, I hate the "How many plumbers do you know that make $250K?" line. It doesn't matter what they do. If they worked hard for their money, they shouldn't have to give 50% of it to the government to then redistribute in health care or whatever else.
On the government's role in my life:I believe the government should
protect and defend our lives, liberties, pursuits,
not provide them. They should balance the budget and set a good example for not living beyond your means. I am really scared that the rising generation feels very entitled to the amenities of life and have no idea about their responsibility in obtaining those amenities. That's partially due to parents just giving their children everything without ever requiring them to work. It's also partially due to the government telling people that they
deserve a house even when they can't afford to pay the mortgage.
On the Triple D Threat:I wouldn't be quite so worried about Obama's governmental views if he didn't have a Democrat House and Senate in his pocket. There's a whole lot more chance for changes with this set up. Some say it's about time. I say, I hope it turns out ok.
On guns:
Last night on the news we heard that guns sales surged yesterday. At first I wasn't sure why. Then I thought about it...oh yeah, Dem.s are usually opposed to the second amendment and the peoples' right to bear arms. Matt said he'd actually been thinking about getting some guns before anything too drastic occurs.
On propositions:So, we didn't have any propositions to vote on here. It's pretty amazing that the props in AZ, FL, and CA all passed to ban gay marriages. Conservatives sighing in relief. Gay activists
protesting at the LA temple. Ok people. Lets be honest here. Mormons aren't the only people who voted for prop. 8. I highly doubt that we make up 52% of CA's voting population.
I'm pretty disappointed that prop. 4 in CA failed. I didn't really hear much about it leading up to the election (probably because prop. 8 dominated), but it's really crazy to me. Basically, prop. 4 would require minors to tell their parents 48 hours in advance that they'd be getting an abortion. It wasn't even getting permission. It was just informing them. I can't believe that kids need parent permission to take a sex ed. class in CA, but they can abort an unborn child without their parents even knowing. Sick and wrong.
On partiesI wish there was an overhaul in political parties. Why is it that Republicans are always put down about education? I value education a lot. Most of the Republicans I know do too.
I think that John Stossel was right that some people really shouldn't vote. Uninformed voters really should not vote. We could take a little test before voting. Who is the current president and vice president? Who currently has majority in the senate? In the house? How many states are in the US? Nothing difficult. Just basic stuff. If they don't pass the test, their votes shouldn't count...
On the electoral collegeNow, I know there are reasons for it, but I've yet to be convinced that we need an electoral college any more. I think it should be straight popular vote. Everyone should be required to go electronic for sake of ease and accuracy of calculations.