Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dean's first word

Well, I am convinced that at 10 months Dean has learned his first word. Was it mama or dada? Nope. It's cracker. I told you that crackers are one of his favorite foods. Yesterday when I was getting him some cheese and crackers, he seemed to repeat the word cracker when I said it. I tested him throughout this morning if he would repeat cracker in the correct context and he would. I also tried other words (like mama, dada, baby, Dean, etc.) and he wouldn't repeat or even try to say anything else. So, I got his first word on video of course. I promise there's no recreational screaming in this one. He attmepts it in the middle of the video but actually says it much clearer at the end.


Erin said...

That is so cute! I love how insanely excited he is about the cracker!

-Laura- said...

Adorable! What a smartie! Looks like it was one good cracker!

Lindsay said...

Um...yeah. I'm impressed. :)

Th. said...

Lady Steed said:
Large S's first word (after mama and dada) is 'bow', which means dog. He's been saying it for about two weeks now and sometimes it actually sounds like dog. However, when he says it he is referring to Sparky dog and Sparky dog only.

Kristi said...

Good job, Dean! That's funny that cracker's his first word. What was your reaction?

Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

YAY Dean! That has got to be the cutest thing I've heard today!

Th. said...


I don't see why his saying 'cracker' first can't mean he wasn't talking about you or Matt.


Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

hahahahaha. Matt said he thought that as well.

CASSIE said...

How cute!! and How advanced!!! I don't think Ranan will be saying anything but Mama and Dada for a while...Way to go Dean!