Weight at 6 mo.: 17 lbs (37%)
Length at 6 mo.: 27.5 (81%)
Head circumference: 17.25 (48%)
Weight at 9 mo.: 18 lbs 6 oz (11%)
Length at 9 mo.: 28.5 (48%)
Head circumference: 17 3/4 (36%)
So, this visit was a little uneventful. The worst thing was having to wait almost a full hour after meeting with the nurse before the Dr. came in. Sheesh. It's hard to entertain a tired 9 mo. old that long in a small office, especially when all he wants to do is eat everything he can get his face close to. He did quite well under the circumstances.
She mostly just told me to do everything I'm already doing. I think doctors must have to assume all [new?] parents are idiots (or ignorant) and just tell them the obvious.
What is he like at 9 months you ask?
Well, he is a mover! He is getting pretty quick at his crawl, but his preferred method of movement is mommy carrying him (sometimes I feel he's attached at the hip!). He also is getting quite good at pulling to stand and walking while holding onto things. That can even mean the wall. (Though he is sporting a nice shiner in the pics above from when he tried moving from the couch to the phone table without holding onto something on both sides.)
He goes to bed for the night between 6-6:30 pm and is still getting up around 4-5 to eat and then wakes up around 7 for the day. I know I should probably try and make him cry out that 4 am feeding, but I'm a little worried he'll start waking up in the 6 o' clock hour if I do. I usually now find him sitting up (or standing) in his crib, facing the door waiting for me to come get him out.
He naps at 9 and 12-1, depending on how long the first nap is. Not consistent in length at all! Some days he doesn't even make an hour and some days it's almost 2 hours! This makes scheduling things difficult. He's dropped the 3rd nap to my chagrin. He is usually so cranky by 5pm I have to be extra creative to stretch him out until 6 for bed.
He can quickly sit up from a laying position.
He eats pretty well, but at this point I don't think he'll be ready to wean at 12 mo. He goes crazy for waffles (I try to make blueberry waffles and feed him mostly the blueberries and a little of the bread) and saltine crackers. He likes to hold something in each hand and is quite good at feeding himself. If I give him a cheese stick he breaks it in two so he has one for each hand. (Don't worry, I monitor him VERY closely so he doesn't choke.) Cheese, yogurt, fresh peaches, nectarines, plums (though he makes a sour face frequently while eating) and refried beans are some of his favorites. He'll also eat crockpot carrots and potatoes, peas, and he was quite fond of french fries the one time we let him taste them.
Some days he's really happy and plays really well. Many days he's REALLY clingy (but not cuddly) and won't let me put him down. I don't get much done when he's awake.
He likes to turn lights on and off, play in the sink, and kiss himself in the mirror. He loves cables. It's super difficult to have him in our computer room right now.
He waves, but to himself in the mirror, random people at church and in stores, and out the window (to no one in particular) when he wakes up. For some reason he hardly ever waves for daddy when he leaves for work.
He has 7 teeth that have broken the skin (4 on top and 3 on the bottom); 6 are almost in fully. They hurt really bad when he nurses.
Here is a little clip I took 2 days ago. I wanted to cut this video shorter, but jumpcut wouldn't let me load once again to edit it. Don't know what's wrong... We'd been busting up for a couple min. before I got the camera out.
You are so detailed in your discription, I love it. Thanks for sharing!
This is pretty much my journal. I just include things I want to remember.
So hard to believe he's 9 months!!
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