A few themes that stuck out to me were: Christ, dispelling myths about the church, taking advantage of the Preach my Gospel manual, finding hope and happiness in the gospel, and the world wide church. I really felt like this was the most globally diverse set of speakers ever in one conference.
The talks that stuck in my mind:Elder M. Russel Ballard's on concisely sharing with others what the gospel is about. I've always kind of struggled with this because I'm never quite sure where to start and stop. I don't want to overwhelm the poor people (especially if they're casually wanting to know a LITTLE bit about it), but I want to make sure they have a clear picture of what I and my religion are about. I think his suggestions are magnificent.
Elder Wirthlin's talk on Charity. Now, to be honest, I don't have a clear recollection of all he said. What impressed me most was his dedication to unwaveringly finish his talk while he was clearly very frail. I also loved the literal support he received from Elder Nelson. It was a true act of love, brotherhood, and charity. It was very touching.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks' talk on the difference between choosing good things, better things, and the best. I think that I often choose ok things (maybe not even GOOD) to fill my time, and I often put off the best, thinking I'll get around to it someday. It was a good priority check for me.
What I hope to take away from this conference:Really, our main question should be, "how can I become better because of what I've heard?". Listening to the words of the Prophet and Apostles does us no good if we choose to continue exactly as we have been without somehow trying to improve ourselves because of it. I know I've not been as dilligent as I should about making life changes after listening to conference.
This time I felt very impressed that I need to have more meaningful scripture study and prayer, and to occupy my time with the best choices first. One way I am trying to better my scripture study is by using the Preach my Gospel manual and to also study with a pen in hand. I used it this morning and had the most effective study time I've had in ages. Now to continue in faith rather than let it slip by the wayside like an uninteresting New Year's Resolution...that's where the challenge comes.
Highlights of the talks (I promise I condensed my notes to a more manageable size)
Saturday Morning
Boyd K Packer:There's a natural tendency to put leaders of the church on a pedestal and think that somehow they are worth more to the Lord than we are. That is not the case.
Richard C. Edgley:While talk amongst church members may sometimes feel intrusive, there is a positive side to the congregational microscope we live in. Greater support because what happens to few happens to all. Members who suffer tragedy often experience an increased capacity for love.
Mary N. Cook:An individual's actions can be a powerful influence within the family. Can you make a difference in your family? Yes. If your parents' examples aren't good, it's up to you to break the cycle. Do your part to build a happy home.
Enrique Falabella:Happiness doesn't depend on money. The promise of life eternal is the riches of eternity.
Spencer Condie:The Lord makes promises and will follow through every time that we do what we're supposed to. In this age of fast food, we may forget that things are done in the Lord's time. That may not be immediate. That may not be today. It may be far off. But we can embrace the Lord's promises and know that God will not forget us.
Elder Dieter Uchdorf:The restored gospel can lift us above our daily misery. It can bring hope and life. It can give us an elevated viewpoint of our lives. Wherever you live and whatever your circumstance, the gospel gives great power and ability to overcome weakness, challenges, and hardship. Because of Christ, you can endure joyfully to the end.
Thomas S. MonsonThe gospel message is of hope and love for those who pass on. The dead will live again in Christ. Walk by faith until the day of resurrection.
Saturday Afternoon
M. Russel BallardBe able to recognize if someone wants to know more about the gospel to satisfy their curiosity vs. wanting to investigate the church in depth. If people want to know a little about it, tell them a little. Don't bombard them with all of the teachings you've received over the course of your life. We can do this by having a clear outline of basics. President Ballard's outline includes:
- Facts: Mormon is a nickname, Saint means member, Joseph smith restored Christ's original church, Gordon B. Hinckley is our current prophet, we are currently the 4th largest Christian congregation in the United States
- Faith: We are committed Christians, we believe in the eternity of the soul, Jesus is our personal Savior
- Family: Basic unit of society and church, committed to monogamous relationships, while there was a time members of the church practiced polygamy, that practice has been discontinued for many, many years, etc.
- Fruits: Mormons have longer life expectancy because of code of health (Word of Wisdom), have much lower divorce rate than national average, committed to self reliance, good work ethic, service, and humanitarian aid
Have a basic one page outline to share with those who inquire that tells the essentials of the gospel. Use his or create your own.
Elder WirthlinWithout charity, nothing you do matters. He was very frail, was shaking horribly, and looked on the verge of collapse. Elder Nelson got up and quietly stood behind him supporting him through the majority of his talk. It was such a touching act of charity and love, and it brought tears to my eyes.
Bruce PorterWe must give our hearts to God. Having a broken heart means we are willing to submit to the Father, we are open to the spirit of God, we acknowledge our dependence on him, we experience godly sorrow that leads us to repentance, and we are willing to do all God asks without resistance or resentment.
Eric KopischkeSpoke of the Preach my Gospel book and how it can be a good resource for teachers and leaders.
TehHe quoted a line from CS Lewis' Screwtape letters about malice and benevolence. Satan wants us to direct our malice toward those we see every day and our benevolence to those who are far away and removed from our immediate contact.
HilbigWe need to make sure that we "quench not the spirit." The path to eternal life is not a plateau. It's on an incline. The spirit gives us increased strength to make it up that hill. Search the scriptures with a pen in hand. Pray frequently and fervently.
Elder HollandAre we Christians? YES! Should we be apologists for our view of the Godhead and latter-day revelation? NO! He gave a good rundown on the trinitarian notion of the Godhead, where it originated, and why it is not supported by the scriptures.
Russel M. NelsonThe Book of Mormon doesn't compete with the Bible, but compliments it and visa versa. The Book of Mormon restores many of the plain and precious truths taken away or lost in the many translations of the Bible. It reaffirms and clarifies the messages of the Bible.
Sunday Morning
Henry B. Eyring: New counselor in First Presidency.
Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch me today? Find ways to recognize what the Lord has done and learn how to best preserve those memories. That may be writing it down in a journal. It may be some other way. Find what works for you.
Quentin L. Cook: New in the Quorum of 12
Live by faith and not by fear. Are we in camouflage to our co-workers and neighbors? Or do we let our light shine? The members need to move their feet and let their voice be heard.
Claudio CostaFathers are to provide for their families. That doesn't just mean monetary provision, but spiritual as well. Fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another. Lay down your life for those you love. Not through death, but through life. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today. What if tomorrow never comes? Tell people you love them. Don't just assume they already know. Opportunities may not always come again.
Julie B. BeckMothers who know...create a climate for spiritual and temporal growth, are good homemakers, are organized and patient, and build children into future leaders. Consider your home a pre-MTC. Then the MTC will be a review and not a revelation.
David A BednarRepent, turn to God and renounce sin. That's a prerequisite to being sanctified through the Holy ghost. That's a prerequisite to standing spotless before God at the last day. We must do good, be good, and become better.
President HinckleyWhen the church was organized in 1830 there were 6 members. The angel Moroni promised that Joseph Smith's name would be had for good and evil among all nations of the world. That is being fulfilled today. We are currently the 4th largest Christain congregation in the United States.
Sunday AfternoonElder Hales
Personal revelation is the way we learn to live the gospel and endure to the end. Seek personal revelation through the spirit. Obtain the spirit through sincere prayer. Study the gospel out in your mind. Pray and study further. Answers come on the Lord's timetable. Move forward in faith even if you haven't received all the answers you desire.
Elder Scott
2 ways to find truth.
1. Scientific method. Good way to find truth but has 2 limitation. You can't be sure you've found absolute truth and you can get the wrong answer.
2. Revelation. Go to the author of truth and ask. You must have unwavering faith and willingness to keep God's commandments for this avenue of truth.
Truth is of little value unless we apply it and make correct decisions.
Daniel Judd
Teachers: Focus on fundamental doctrines. Preach the gospel by the spirit. Speak out of your heart, not just the book.
Octaviano Tenorio
Spoke of the blessings we receive from the Temple.
Claudio Zivic
We seek freedom and eternal life. We will receive it by the grace of God after we've done all we can do.
Douglas Callister
Truth has never been dependent on the number of those who know it.
Dallin H. Oaks
There are three levels of quality: Good, better and best
Just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it. How do we use our time? Do we only choose good activities to pursue, or do we choose the best? Reserve time for family. Don't over schedule your kids. Don't complicate church callings. Simplify and do that which is most important. Weed out excessive and ineffective busyness in church and elsewhere and translate that saved time into quality family time.
Teachers: When teaching in Relief Society and Elders' Quorum, teach out of the books provided. You may be able to give a good lesson while skimming the book and teaching your own lesson, but to give the best lesson you must teach out of the book provided. (Referring to the Teaching of the Prophets books).