Disclaimer: This is not a picture of my baby. It's merely a representation of the size of a baby at 30 weeks.
Should I be starting the countdown already?!? I am at 30 weeks so I have just 10 left to go.
I went to the doctor's today. I got paper work to pre-register for the birth. I think I've decided not to take the $100 baby prep. class. I do yoga. That should help with the whole breathing thing and "turning inward for strength" thing. Right? Also, I was a TA for child development for 3 years and we covered the birthing process. I should be a pro...haha. I remember one year a guy and a couple girls trying to leave class during the birthing video. More than one ended up passing out before they reached the door. Good times. I'll occasionally watch birthing videos on babycenter.com. Every time Matt sees one I think his desire to be present for the delivery is less and less. He'd have been a perfect candidate for the "dad in the waiting room" scenario. Too bad (or too good?) for him those times are long gone! I won't make him cut the cord, but he'll be in the room with me!
My current stats from the Dr.:
I'm still 5'3". Tall that is. I haven't quite reached that horizontally yet.
I have gained 20 lbs. thus far. Not too bad I guess considering this baby weighs 13 lbs. Haha. Ok, so he's only supposed to weigh about 3 lbs. right now. (Thank HEAVENS he doesn't weight 13 lbs at 30 weeks!!) I can gain a pound a week from here on out and I'll still be considered "normal". We'll see if that's how it really goes.
She did the vertical belly measure thing 3 weeks ago and again today. I went from 26 in. to 30 in. Four inches in 3 weeks! No wonder my belly's been quite sore every evening. That's a lot of stretching. He has gotten noticeably bigger and his movements are much more defined. I can tell he's getting a bit cramped (The picture up top should be a fairly accurate representation of how cramped the poor kid is right now.) ; he tries to rectify his situation by pressing his elbow, bum, or foot hard against me for hours until certain spots feel bruised. I wonder if he gets claustrophobic at all? If I rub my stomach he squirms around. Maybe he's as ticklish as his daddy. It's pretty neat. I think Matt's getting a little tired of me making him touch or look at my belly all the time, but he's been a really good sport. It's just so weird to think about sometimes. There's a living baby inside me.
My blood sugar test came back normal. Sweet. No second thick melted orange Popsicle drink for me.
No new pictures of me yet, but I'll link you to the pictures from 2 weeks ago. They're a little outdated, but close enough. For a total progression, here's another link that catches some of the previous months.
Oh my goodness!! He's so cute. Perfect little feet and the one hand we can see. Nice shape to the head. I love this picture.
No no. It's not really him. It's a stock photo of a baby at 30 weeks. It's merely a representation.
Sorry if I wasn't clear about that.
For what it's worth, I'm 5 foot 2. I had gained exactly 20 lbs at 30 weeks along. I gained a pound per week up until my due date, so a textbook 30 pounds. Then I stopped gaining while I went overdue a week. Small blessings. :)
Good luck with all that--the last bit is a whirlwind, but so exciting!
Yay! You're almost there! Good luck with this last stretch - it's by far the most uncomfortable. You'll do great, though!
Wow Amyjane. That's pretty interesting. In all truth, weight isn't as big of a deal as I thought. I did cringe a little when they had to move the big weight on the scale up a notch. But that's just how it goes.
Lindsay, I have to say that I agree with you. I'm only a little into this 3rd trimester and each day is just a little more uncomfortable in one way or another. My back and stomach have been a constant dull ache the past week. But at least I haven't been sick, haven't really had heart burn, haven't had much water retention, I can still eat spicy food, and I can still do the majority of my normal yoga routines with some modified positions. I'm pretty luck on the pregnancy scale I think.
The last two weeks are not fun. You will do great though!
I was surprised, but when I cut the cord, the world's reddest blood jut splatted all over.
I hadn't wanted to cut the cord, but as things worked out in a way that I didn't catch the baby, I took that as a consolation prize.
Celia I got your link from Nanci and I'm so excited for you and Matt! You look awesome and it sounds like this has been a great experience for you. Best of luck in the adventures in the near future.
All right Erin! I'm glad that we're both friends with such a popular girl as Nanci so we could find each other again. I love finding friends' (or having them find my) blogs.
Don't you hate that while your baby has only gained 3 pounds, you've put on 20? Granted, it's a very manageable amount of weight for someone at your phase in pregnancy, but still!
If you are planning on attempting a drug free childbirth then I definitely recommend you start some sort of serious preparation. I recommend Hypno-birthing.
If you are planning on getting the good ol' epidural, then it sounds like your prior preparation should be sufficient.
Funny you mention it. One of my good friends just told me she is taking a hypnobirthing class to prepare for her October baby. She's really liked it.
I've looked around a little and it doesn't look like there's anything like that available here. The hospital offers a Lamaze class, but that's about the extent of it so far as I can tell.
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