Saturday, June 03, 2006

Star crossed lovers

Sometimes I think to myself, "Man, it seems like Matt and I are from two completely different planets. You know, like Jupiter and Neptune, or Uranus and Earth, or Mars and Venus." I think I could write a whole book about our differences and call it just that! "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus." I'll make millions.

Dang. I just googled that to make sure I cornered the market and realized that some guy named John Gray already beat me to it. I missed my one great chance for fame. *Curse you John Gray, curse you.*

Just kidding, kind of. Being an MFHD major, I definitely know of John Gray and his little book, though I never did actually read the thing. But I can see why he wrote it.


Th. said...


I hate to mention this, but someone beat you to that "star crossed lovers" line too....

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Man! 0 for 2 today!!