Sunday, June 04, 2006


With the up and coming 6/6/06 should I be alarmed that my blog patrol counter hit 666 people today and has been at that count the majority of the day? Maybe it's a sign.


Anonymous said...

my only concern with dates like 666 is that stupid people will do stupid things on that date. I think it is kind of funny that I saw a highway sign that was Highway 666. How would you like to live on that road?

Mizike said...

when i see 666, i just turn my monitor upside down and it reads 999. Easy peasy! Now it's just a number that just hasn't hit 1000. Problem solved!

Th. said...


Going to hell, are you?

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

ROFL. I heard of a guy named Ken who's random state license was:

KEN 666

Can you imagine that one?

I like the way you think mizike. Looking at the positive.

And Th., if I am, at least I know your wife will be there to keep me company! haha.

Th. said...


I'm telling her you said that.