Thursday, March 20, 2008

Family Five

  1. I'm not a dog person. I am very afraid of most dogs. I'm not an animal person for that matter. I would be very happy if we never had a family pet. I think it must run in my family somehow. I know my grandma isn't real fond of dogs, nor are a couple of my sisters, nor some of my cousins. Is it learned dislike? Or is there something in our genes?
  2. I know I've used this before, but I'm allergic to the cold. Seriously. It's not just a dislike, I get red, splotchy, itchy hives when I'm too cold.
  3. I love change. I like to rearrange furniture, cut my hair in different ways, try new foods, learn new things etc.
  4. I want to be a planner, but I'm usually more of a wing-it kind of person. I like to have a plan in place so I'm not caught with my pants down, but I rarely follow my plans. For this reason I have a REALLY hard time sticking with menus and such.
  5. I like spending a good chunk of time on projects. I would rather clean for 3 hours straight than do 10 min. here and there. That way I feel like I've accomplished something.
  1. He loves computer games pure and simple. Not console, computer. He's a PC purist as I call it. It was weird to get used to at first, but I now understand him and his need for it and I'm fine with it.
  2. If it's just the two of us, he almost always beats me at games. We kind of stopped playing 2 player games because of it. The only exceptions are word games like boggle and up words.
  3. He LOVES to scare me. Loves it. Well, not just me. I'm pretty sure he set up a video camera in his sister's room with a fake spider when they were younger. At least I think that's the story.
  4. He has the best smile and laugh ever. He thinks his dimples make his face look fat, but I think they are divine.
  5. He wears the pants in the family. He has the stronger, more opinionated personality, and I'm usually A. OK with what he wants. I don't always like to admit it, but he's almost always "right".
  1. He seems to be happiest when we go out. He likes to be outside or in the car driving around. He really enjoys short walks (less than a mile) in the Bjorn carrier.
  2. He always seems tired. He sleeps (for the most part) from 6:30pm to about 6:30am and takes about 4-5 one hour naps during the day. And he still seems tired a lot of his awake time. Not sure what to make of that. I think he might benefit from fewer but longer naps, but I can't figure out how to switch him to that schedule.
  3. As I've stated before, he hates tummy time. He doesn't much care for toys. He loves to look in the mirror.
  4. He has really sensitive hearing. He gets scared really easily by loud or long repetitive noises. Vacuum? Makes him cry. Blender? Makes him cry. Blow drier? Makes him cry. Matt making long repetitive noises? Makes him cry. The piano? Well, when my students play it's ok since I'm holding him. When I play it makes him cry. Loud toys with lights? Once again. Makes him cry.
  5. He loves bath time and diaper changes. Guess he likes to be clean. ;o)
The video is of Dean getting scared at Matt's noises.


Erin said...

That was hilarious! I had to watch it twice cause it was so entertaining!

-Laura- said...

That video WAS hilarious! Poor Dean!!!

I'm not an animal person either. Kyle insists that one day we are going to get a bird. But I just say no way, jose. And Kyle's the same way about computer games...LOVES them and needs to play them. I will never understand his passion about them, but that's okay. We all have our outlets.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

I never post my grandma's email comments, but I thought I'd put this one in.

"How old is he? What does your doctor say about his sleeping so much? I wouldn't worry too much because he seems so normal when he is awake.......Ahhhhhhhhh, don't scare him! Not fun for him. His little scared face made me sad. Love G'ma"

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

So, my response is, that was the first time we noticed him doing that so we filmed it. We thought it was pretty hilarious (hence the laughter), however, we haven't done it since. Now we just watch the video for kicks.

Emily said...

That video is so funny. My kids made me watch it 10 times!

They think Matt's raspberry noise is someone "tooting" so I think thats why they love it so much.


Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Erin, I'm glad you found it as funny as I did. I was a little afraid people would think we were bad parents (and some may...).

Laura, a bird is an interesting choice of animal. I always said I'd go for a fish if I was coerced into getting a pet. Not noisy or too terribly messy.

That's so funny Em. I actually have found that I get that same reaction if I burp.

Lindsay said...

Love the video! Garrett is easily freaked out, too (the blender, the vacuum, the squeaking of rubbing styrofoam...). I feel bad scaring him, but it's just so funny to watch his lip quiver and pout.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

lindsay, our little boys seem to have a lot in common!

Lindsay said...

We ought to introduce them one of these days, eh? :)

Lady Steed said...

Silly: Yes Matt loves to scare people and when we were growing up he especially loved to scare me. I am very easy to scare and startle though. He did set up the video camera and it's pretty funny to watch if you ever get the chance. I am going to guess that incident took a year off my life.