Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Tagged for 6

My friend Diane tagged me for 6 things about me. After my 100 things about me (in 4 installments) awhile back, I don't know what more to say. But I'll take a stab at it.

1. Sometimes I start books and don't finish them. For instance, this year I tried to read Moby Dick since it's my brother's favorite. I read it for a couple weeks, but it was slow going and I kept falling asleep. Dang. Another similar experience was with Tess of the d'Urbvilles. I just couldn't keep reading after awhile. While I wish I'd finished them to say I've read them, I don't really care that I stopped short.

2. I have a hard time keeping plants alive. I just seem to forget to water them regularly. It's a good thing Matt's much better about it.

3. I store my Tupperware lids according to type and size of lids for easy finding. I can't stand piles of lids in a jumbled mess. OCPD? Maybe. But maybe I just like my lids in order.

4. Postpartum is the first time I've used maxi pads since 8th grade. What more can I say? (I probably already said too much.)

5. I'm not a fan of talking on the phone. Aside from speaking with my family, phone talking is a little awkward for me. I kind of cringe when I hear the phone ring. I don't hate talking on the phone, I just usually don't enjoy it.

6. I LOVE steakhouse and pepper jerky. For one who was a vegetarian for about 10 years, my sheer enjoyment of it's kind of odd, but I love the spicy/salty combination a lot. I really don't care for original and I dislike teriyaki.


Lindsay said...

I really don't like talking on/answering the phone either. Talking to my family is fine, but even then. I'd much rather do my talking in person, if at all. Writing, actually, is even better.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

yes. email is a godsend.

FoxyJ said...

It's seems like I know more people who don't like to talk on the phone than those who do.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

It's funny, though, because most people say they don't like talking on the phone and yet they are practically glued to their cell phone or ear piece thing.

holly said...

Okay, when I read number 4 I literally laughed out loud. I love how open you are.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Holly I'm glad you find it funny. I've often been known as one who gives too much information.