Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mana from Heaven

You know, I think the LDS church organization and community are quite amazing.

Before I had my baby I had our compassionate service coordinator (a person in charge of coordinating service for people in need) send an email to the ward asking if anyone had a swing we could borrow for awhile (to see if Dean was a swinger). We didn't want to throw down a lot of money on an item that he may or may not like and will grow out of fairly quickly. I had people (some I didn't even know) email me, more than willing to lend me their $140 Papasan swing! AMAZING.

And then there's the meal thing. When people are sick, moving, having babies, etc. other people sign up to bring meals to them. These people generally aren't relatives, nor are they always close/best friends (though sometimes they are). However, we feel we need to look after each other (even if we are just acquaintances) because we're a part of the same ward family. It's such a blessing since many of us don't have relatives close by. It makes me feel watched over and cared for.

Matt felt a little bad that people were bringing us meals the few days just after my parents left since I was recovering fairly well and he's an able bodied soul. I know we could have made it on our own, but it was quite a blessing to have one less thing to worry about for a few days at least. I figure sometimes we give and sometimes we receive.

When we got home from the store today we had a message on our machine saying someone was bringing us food tonight. We hadn't expected it, but it was much appreciated! Ribs, salad, rolls, and a DELICIOUS pumpkin dessert. Like mana from heaven. A very nice surprise. Not only that, they also brought gifts for Dean! HOW NICE!!

So thank you ward. Thanks for the great meals, service, pumpkin bread (thanks Emily!), gifts, friendship, and swing. I appreciate it and am in awe of your generosity.


Emily said...

your welcome.

Lindsay said...

I was just discussing with some friends tonight how the church kind of unites us all. We don't have to know other members well or even at all and yet it's like we're all best friends. We'd do just about anything for each other. It's wonderful, I think. I'm glad your ward is taking care of you guys!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that sweet. Too bad not all in your "church family" gets that same consideration.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Anon, I'm sorry if you've felt slighted or that you didn't receive the same consideration.

People are people and don't always see past the end of their own noses. (Me included!) So sometimes you have to ask for help. People don't always know you're in need until you make it known.

But again, I'm sorry if you've ever felt overlooked.

Amy said...

I love that about our Relief Society too! ditto to everything you posted, Celia!

becki said...

you thought my dessert was delicious??!! It's mel h's recipe, i'll give it to you if you want it. Glad you enjoyed your "surprise" dinner. hope the clothes worked out.
he's just so precious, and i'm glad i was able to meet him, and I can't believe you actually came to sacrament, you're amazing!!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Yes. It was very very good. I would love the recipe.

Jacqui said...
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Jacqui said...

I am amazed at the giving nature of LDS people. When we had Olivia in Denver, I had people bring me meals for 9 days after my mom left! I finally called the Compassionate Service lady and told her we had so many left-overs that we could live for another week on them! She said there were two more dinners coming, and people were so excited to serve us that she didn't have the heart to call and disappoint them!! What amazing people we associate with!!

For Anonymous--we actually had the exact opposite with our first birth. One meal, and one pizza from our home teachers. Our Comp. Serv. lady was one who believed people should be self-reliant! So, we've had both ends of the stick. However, I am still amazed at people's generosity and kindness.