Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Resistance is futile

Unfortunately it seems Dean takes after me in the sleeping department. He fights it. He'll have one eye closed and one eye slightly open for an hour, unwilling to submit himself fully to his sleepiness. Or his eyes will droop, droop, droop, and he appears asleep when BAM! His eyes shoot open wide and he cries. I don't know why he fights it. Sleep is when he seems the happiest. He even has what appears to be an occasional smile...

My mom said that I stopped taking naps all together by the time I was 1 year. How dare I! I always had a hard time falling asleep. In high school I could lay in bed for hours tired but unable to sleep. It wasn't until I got married that I learned to fall asleep within minutes of laying down.

Matt, on the other hand, has always loved sleeping. He can fall asleep within seconds of hitting the pillow. If only Dean were like his daddy in this regard. Sleep will eventually have to come. Why fight it?


J D C and N said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly we learn that naps are not for the baby but for the mom?! I'm not a big napper- in fact I've always had a hard time falling asleep too and you're lucky that you got better after getting married. Four years later and I think I'm still not used to sharing a bed!

Amy said...

I know, Celia! I remember my babies doing that! so annoying. especially when your tired. Its a good thing they have so many other wonderful qualities! :) He probably will grow out of it.

The Drapers said...

He's cute, and getting big fast! Every now and then I nap when Lily does. I think I need it more than her.

Jessica said...

Jarren does the same thing! He will keep one eye open to make sure I don't leave. He watches me with it, it's really funny. Sometimes I think he sleeps with one eye open, I eventually just take my finger and close his eye lid and he keeps it closed.

Erin said...

Why do babies fight it so much? Isn't it funny how they don't seem to realize how precious the opportunity to nap is until they are older?

Emily said...

Keep pushing the naps, and when he won't nap do quiet time, that's what we do! GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

Are you using the swing? It works wonders for napping.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

The swing helps a lot in the morning, but it just makes him more mad in the evening when he's the most fussy.