Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Sitting in my Swimsuit

I finally broke down and bought me a maternity swim suit. Why, you ask, would I do such a thing when summer is over, most of the pools are closing down, and I'm less than 2 months away from delivering? Well, I felt compelled to lap swim. And suits were on sale with the season ending.

We have one indoor public pool here that has lap swim year round. They don't have the greatest of hours, but I should be able to work it a couple times a week. Some days I can really feel the extra weight on my wrists or ankles/knees when I do yoga or walk, so it will be nice to have a feeling of water weightlessness every so often.

While I had good intentions of going swimming this morning, my plans were foiled. I got the address for the pool and Google mapped it. Google is not always right, as was the case today. When I got home (1/2 hour before they closed for the morning) after my unfruitful search, I called to figure out where I went wrong. Apparently I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

But really, McKinney has this slightly annoying system where they start a road at two different sides of town in the approx. latitudinal or longitudinal location. They have intentions of one day connecting them, so they give them the same name. However, that means we have 2 Hardin streets, 2 College streets, 2 Eldorado streets, etc. until that long awaited connection day arrives. It makes it difficult and confusing occasionally. Even for Google Maps. And me. So I sit here in my newly purchased and un-wet swimsuit writing this post.

At least now I know where they're located, and maybe, just maybe I'll be able to make it there tomorrow after I drop off Matt at work at 8 AM and before they close up at 9 AM.


Juls said...

I love swimming, but mostly I love swimming when I am prego! Enjoy! I am joining a community center a few months in the winter (so I can have something to do!) and I am looking forward to swimming!

AmyJane said...

Pregnant swimming is The Best Ever. I started going to the gym again after the morning sickness died down, just to swim back and forth for hours! Loved it. Also, maternity swimsuits are worth it cause you'll most likely be pregnant again sometime over a swim season.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

I made it there today. It was fabulous and 45 min. is more than enough time for me to feel like I've gotten a super work out. After my first 5 laps I thought, "man I used to be better than this!" I was a little out of breath and it was more tiring than I remembered. But heavens, it's been a loooong time since I've done any swimming let alone continuous lap swimming.

It was nice to not even feel the extra pregnancy belly weight in the water.