Tuesday, October 10, 2006

In the family

I just found out that I am not alone in my allergy to the cold. Just this week my poor little nephew Caleb has just started having hive spells as well. They were at Big Lake swimming this past weekend and he broke out all over. She hadn't read my blog about my cold allergy and my hive spells started long after she left home. She thought he had somehow gotten into poison oak or ivy. Poor kid. She drove him to get some Benadryl and not knowing that it was cold that he was reacting to, gave him a cold water bottle to try and help soothe the itching. She said the hives were much bigger than when they started out. =( He also got hives at first recess at school yesterday, and last night when I was on the phone explaining this to her, he was outside helping his dad. He came in with a tummy covered in hives.

I've been able to deal with mine by not spending extended periods of time outside in the cold, but their family is HUGE into the outdoors. They can't stand being inside. And the poor kid is just 7! Somethings you just hope to never pass along.

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