Recently I heard a friend of a friend refer to Mormons as being, "A Christian cult of salesmen." I immediately began to bristle, feeling a little defensive. When I hear the word "cult" I often think of extremist groups that commit mass suicide and do harmful things to self or others. "Salesmen" can also be used as a derogatory term (used car salesmen tend to be thought of as slick and underhanded people, trying to swindle you). So to put those two together and say that I was a part of something so offensive, it was a bit disturbing. (But hey, on the bright side, they did say we were Christian. hehe.) But after awhile I decided it was not worth being offended. I just hope the people who come in contact with me don't walk away with that same sentiment.
Obviously everyone has different experiences (or no experience) with and opinions of "Mormons." Many people confuse us with the Amish. Others think we practice polygamy with tons of wives and gynormous families. Some think we're over zealous and a excessive in our rules and regulations. Some think that we have a great built in support system and structure. Some think we're a little too perky and a bit naive. Some don't lend a thought nor a care as to who we are or what we believe, and to them we are just another religious faction of which they want no part. I think we're a group of relatively normal (what is normal, really?) people trying to do what we think is right.
As for being a group of salesmen, I could see why someone would think of it that way. We do have a very concentrated and conscious missionary program. But I really don't think the majority of Mormons (members and missionaries alike) share the gospel with some hope of profit for themselves (as I would imagine a salesman would do). I really do believe the majority share it with others because they believe it to be good and true--something that could bring a lot of happiness, meaning and direction into the lives of others. I guess there could be some misguided people who want to "up the numbers" or who want to "play the part" of what a "good Mormon" should be, but hopefully that's the exception and not the rule.
Matt and I were speculating the other day about what it would be like if we were wrong and that this is the end, no heaven, no God, nothing. That when we die we're done. It's an interesting thought since a large majority of us claim that we "know that this gospel is true" and that within that gospel we do believe in God, Christ, a pre-mortal existence, and a post-mortal existence. I live it because it makes sense to me. It feels right. I feel like my life is made better because of it. I have direction and purpose. And because I've had experiences to lead me to say that I do know it's true.
But if, in the end, we were wrong and this was it, well, I guess I'd never know the difference. I'd not stew about it for the non-existent eternity being mad at myself for believing such fallacious ideas. In the end I'd have lived a life I believed to be good and wholesome and then I would just cease to be. I would have lived a life free of addictive substances (unless you count all that sour stuff we mentioned in previous post) filled with family and love and relatively little contention. I'll take it.
"gynormous"--that's hilarious.
I grew up Southern Baptist. For me, my indoctrination was the belief anyone not Baptist were sent to hell. Today, I think that's all hogwash.
Am I the most religious person in the world? For from it. I think I'm a very moral person, but I have doubts.
For me, I have concerns that if there is a single God, why are there so many different religions or even denominations? And it keeps bringing me to the thought that man has identified an internal need and has corrupted (or perhaps just modified) any central truth to what their selfish needs are.
This may be the idea that man needs to be the head of the house and women should know their place. Why not create doctrine to limit the role of women in society. Make them hide themselves behind veils and not have a voice. Perhaps certain people do not have any sexual maturity. Then make sex beyond procreation a sin. Make it a dirty thing to do. To have sex, you just cut a hole in the sheets and don't have any sort of physical intimacy.
If there is a God, I have follow all the tenants of my church when I was young to be admitted to heaven. But I try not to let the ceremonies of a church be the end all of how I will get into heaven.
I try to live my life morally and do not harm to others. I try to be a positive influence with those I touch everyday, although I don't go out of my way by being a social activist. I just try to be a good person.
Will you go to heaven? Is all you believe a lie? That's something I can't answer, and you won't know until it is judgement day. But knowing you these past years, you both are good people. You both care for not only each other, but strangers in the community.
When I look at all the people who go to church 'religiously' and then meet them on the street on Monday, they'd rather spit on you than help you. Compared to them, you both are true reflections of modern day angels.
Will you get to heaven? I have no doubts.
Wow mizkie! thanks so much for the compliment. I really appreciate hearing your views on everything.
One thing I didn't mention in my post was, "what if there is a God and our church isn't the 'true' church." That's one's a little trickier than the "what if there's no God."
First of all, I don't believe it's so cut and dry as to the world's "heaven or hell" senario. There are so many incredible people in the world across faiths. There are so many people who never had the chance to hear about God. It would be (in my mind) incredibly unjust that the majority of the earth's inhabitants are damned to hell because they were born in the wrong country, wrong century, etc.
I do think that those who really have tried to do "right by others" (regardless of whether or not they call it their conscience, God, Allah, Eloheim, etc.) will have opportunitites (even in the afterlife) to do whatever is required to obtain "eternal happiness" or God's glory.
I just think it's a dang good thing the Lord will be the one to sort that out rather than me or you or the "spit on your neighbor" kind of people.
Th., I actually thought of you when I wrote the word gynormous because of
"guys" and "gyns".
But that link does make it rather great.
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