My first semester of college I roomed with a girl who had horrible symptoms where she was doubled over in agony once a month. I then was convinced that some people really did have PMS issues and I was just very lucky to not be one of them.
And then I got married. I swear, the only time I cry irrationally is on cue each month. I get teary-eyed over commercials and dance competition eliminations; over dinner, my husband's lack of appetite, and over choosing not to accept a job interview because the job required Sunday work. In my mind I can logically tell I am being irrational, but I can't stop myself from feeling like I have to cry about it all. It gives me the distinct feeling that I'm going a little crazy (and then I want to cry about that as well). Then you add in wanting to be pregnant and knowing that this horrible display of emotion most likely means I will find out in the next couple of days that I am, in fact, not pregnant, and that sets the water works into motion yet again.
As we were going to bed last night Matt said, "I wonder what it would be like to be a girl with all these intense emotions..." Luckily I always feel better when I wake up and I realize there wasn't real cause for my tears. My real emotional times are generally limited to about half a day once a month. I guess that's not too horrible compared to being doubled over in physical pain.
Anyway. To clarify an above statement, I received a call yesterday from the library saying they wanted to interview me for an assistant librarian position. It was only part time and it required that I work one Sunday a month. We were just called to be CTR 5 teachers, so that meant we'd be in charge of wrangling and teaching the 5 turning 6 kids for 2 hours of church. (Well, we're in charge of 1 of the 3 CTR 5 classes! This primary is HUGE!) So, taking that job meant I'd be leaving Matt by himself with 5-8 little kids once a month. Plus it would mean working on Sunday which I try to avoid if possible. Since it was only once a month I figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but when I told Matt he really didn't feel good about it. After all, we didn't need my income; so, I probably shouldn't work on Sunday unless it was very necessary to our livelihood, which it obviously wasn't.
So I called in this morning to say I wasn't going to be coming in for the interview on Monday. I was a little bummed about this because I was happy to have an interview and a possibility. As I was getting ready for the day the morning, I heard the phone ring though I wasn't able to answer it. I decided I'd call one of my friends it could possibly have been. It wasn't her, but since I called, she was wondering if I wanted to go grocery shopping with her. Always readily looking for an excuse to get out of the house, I told her I would LOVE to. She and her husband own their own successful floor cleaning business. As we were driving she said, "you know, Celia, we're looking for an office assistant and my husband was wondering if you'd like the job. It's only part time, probably 3 days a week, but your hours would be flexible and I'm sure you could work out dropping off and picking up Matt." YES! That's awesome! So, if all goes well and as planned, I should be starting with them next week.
So I went from down and crying and ultra emotional last night to quite content and happy today. It's a crazy life we emotional girls lead, now isn't it? Never a dull moment...
We have matching blogs!
AND, I COMPLETELY understand what you mean about the PMS stuff. TOTALLY understand. All the emotions, up and down, and how in your mind, you're trying to convince yourself, "Now, WHY am I crying about this?" :)
Congrats about the job, too!
It's good times with the irrational tears.
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