Tuesday, March 14, 2006



I have been feeling kind of sick off and on the past week with revisits of giardia (my Guatemala souvenir) and a few other ailments. Today I reached the pinnacle of my achiness (I don't think that's a word) with a headache, body aches, jaw ache, stomach ache and a couple other problems. I felt completely exhausted and I just hung out on the couch all night.

The husband noticed I was not feeling well (maybe it was because I mentioned it a time or two hundred) and he ended up getting his own dinner, doing the dishes, and doing the necessary laundry. He also gave me a back rub during home evening (though he really hates doing that because his hands get tired). If it wasn't for the sick feelings I was having, I'd have thought it a wonderfully peachy evening.

Then I started thinking, "man, I must be a pretty darn good wife. If I feel like this is a night of pampering, I pamper him all the time. " (Well, I do all those things minus the rubbing. He's WAY too ticklish for back rubs and cannot understand for the life of him why anyone enjoys a good rub down.) Since he has a few more outside responsibilities than I do right now in the way of school and work, I pretty much do the laundry, cook, clean, and do the dishes all the time. (I have to say, he will usually do his own lunch dishes.)

Maybe when our life situation changes I'll whip him into shape and require a little more housework of him.

A quick story: Sometimes I forget that these things are NOT required of me to be a good wife, but are responsibilities I have taken upon myself and can share as I please. Sometimes I feel guilty for not doing any one of those afore mentioned items and I will feel like a bad wife. In good humor the husband brought home an article a co-worker gave him. He gave it to me and said, "Hey, I've got a few tips to help you be a better wife!" It was funny to read and helped me lighten up a bit.


Lady Steed said...

ok, have been meaning to comment on this for a while, my apologies.

Darn skippy he should be getting his own dinner and papmpering you more.You treat him like he's a king! A freaking KING! You are too good to him. I love Brother Steed but I really do wonder how on earth he managed to get himself such a wonderful amazing person as yourself. i can only shrug my shoulders and say, it must be God's will.

So, I hope you get him whipped into shape soon, because you deserve a little more help around the house and a lot more pampering.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Haha. Thanks for the post. A very large part of me doesn't mind pampering him because a lot of the time I wonder what else I'd do.

I mean, I still do yoga, read and have time for crafts and stuff I enjoy doing. I think when I have kids and more "all day" responsibilites I'll illicit more help. He'll always help if I ask (unless I ask for help with coming up with what to make for dinner... his helpfulness in that area is spotty at best).

It's just the phase we're in now. I have no problem with it. I could use a few more "Celia's the queen" days, but who couldn't?

Anonymous said...

From your Mom--Did anyone else read the article? Ha. I think it is real. I was just a little girl in the 50's but it looks real except for the last 5 items on the list. SURELY even the 50's ladies would have objected to that garbage.

I must say as a woman who has been married longer than most of you have been alive, I have found that the time to bring up what went wrong in the day, ie the washer broke, etc., is after dinner. All of us are a little better prepared to deal with life after eating.