Monday, March 20, 2006

Mi esposo travieso

Translation: My mischievous husband

He's always been kind of mischievous. When he was still living at home, he strung up a huge fake spider in his sister's bedroom to illicit a scream and terrified reaction. He even set up their video camera to capture her response. (Though I've never seen the video, I've heard he was not disappointed in his footage.)

Luckily we don't have a video camera yet, but he does like to try and scare me. Often times as we're going to bed he'll run through our apt. and turn out all the lights so it's pitch black. I know he's there, and I try and brace myself, but I can't keep myself from screaming and jumping every time he jumps out at me. It's unfortunate I do because that totally fuels his desire to scare me. He loves a good reaction and I give it to him every time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When we were first married Aaron LOVED to scare me. The worst was when I was coming out of work (the state hospital) and I passed the security van wondering what had happened then Aaron (with a hooded sweatshirt) jumped out and scared me. I was so scared I screamed, then hit him, then cried and said dont ever do that again. He still thought it was pretty funny, but to this day was my scariest moment!