Friday, September 05, 2008

An interesting linky-link of the political type

Matt showed me this today. I didn't check all the reference pages it listed to verify that all of these were taken in their proper context, but it was interesting to see Obama's and McCain's promises and proposals side by side. It's obviously a right winger who posted it, so take that into consideration. I particularly found the tax thing freaky...

Oh, and tonight I saw a breakdown on how expensive McCain's wife's yellow convention outfit cost. $280,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That makes me sick.

And I thought $100 on jewelry was frivolous.


Erin said...

Thank you for sharing. I think I might post a reference to insure further readership. This is exactly the type of stuff voters need to understand.

Kristi said...

Wow. That's an interesting table. It's obviously skewed, but the figures are fascinating all the same. And people are so taken by Obama.

Brooke said...

Kay...when I first saw how much her outfit cost--I thought it said $280 and I was thinking that's expensive for me, but not too bad for a "famous" person. Then I saw the other 0s. Uh...AAAAA! That's RIDICULOUS!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

That total was including jewelry. Crazy though.