Dean has gotten so good at riding his balance bike. He can glide down our driveway and even turn the corner with his feet up, balancing. It is one of the best purchases we've made in the way of toys. (It's called Boot Scoot Bike.) WAY better than any training wheels or tricycle I've seen. He loves riding (though he hates his helmet. But no helmet, no ride.), and before we put high locks on our doors, he'd head out for a bike ride without me knowing! I was rinsing a diaper one day, and when I was done I saw the front door was open. He was on his bike, two doors down, knocking on their door. I was very happy when Matt put the high locks on the door this week since he figured out how to get the child handles off.
The frames per second are slightly off, though, so it makes his legs look like they're flying. =)
super cute!
Those things are awesome! BTW, got my CD in the mail today. Thank you soooo much! That was too sweet of you. We love it. the kids and I have been singing the Peanut Butter song over and over today.
wow mar! that was fast. we just got it in the mail on Saturday.
We're thinking of getting one for S even though we've already gone the training-wheels route before. Balance bikes are just so obviously better.
Dean is an amazing little 2 year old. Do other 2 year olds do as well on a balance bike?
TH. I bet S. (and O.) would love it! Plus A. would be able to use it when it came time. S.'s b-day is coming up...
Good question mom. I've never seen another kid ride a balance bike except on the demo video, and the two year old on that seemed to fall an awful lot. =)
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