Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Your Civic Duty: A letter to the lady

Dear lady at work,

I don't know who you are, but I've seen your dirty work. Have you no shame woman? Were you born in a barn wherein they had no running water? Good Heavens.

Your personal hygiene in your own home is your own deal. I don't care what you do there. It's you and your family who have to worry about that. But in a public place (as a public servant no less) you have a civic duty on your hands. Literally.

Let me tell you something your mother should have told you loooong ago. After you use the restroom, you wash your hands. Preferably with soap. Preferably about 20 seconds or so, but even a courtesy rinse would be better than nothing. NOTHING! I am still in shock. And while I was standing there watching you as you came out of your stall and immediately headed for the door with your grubby little hands! Did you feel no shame? Did you feel no embarrassment that I knew your dirty little secret?

Well if you didn't, you should have.

I'm not saying I'm perfectly clean, but hand washing in public is a given. I mean, think of how many people touch that door after you! Are you also the person who isn't such a sweety and forgets to wipe the seaty? Because that's sick too. I know you don't want to recognize the fact that you may have sprayed a little, but I don't want to sit in it. Nor do I want to have to wipe up after you.

I don't generally have germ issues, but it is people like you who drive others to become OCD about hand sanitizer and Lysol.

Please reconsider your nasty little habit. It does not become you.


Tolkien Boy said...

You would not survive in a men's restroom. No, you would not.

Lindsay said...

We also have a Non Hand Washer somewhere in our building. It's gross. My co-worker got so fed up with it that one day she hung a "Please Wash Your Hands" sign up in the bathroom. Not sure if the lady it was intended for got the message...but a lot of Good Hand Washers got a real kick out of it.

Anonymous said...

Loved the Far Side cartoon. Wish it could be a reality!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

TB: I husband told me the same thing. He said things like this (and worse) happen all the time. It's just so inconsiderate!

nanci said...


Th. said...


I always amazed by people so unaware of washing that they don't even do it when others are washing.

But it's not the same sort of amazement I feel when, say, a young puppy rescues a geriatric gentleman from a pack of wolves. No, it is not.