Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy? Halloween

It was hot here today. In the 80s. Not necessarily fleece weather...

Once he got over the fact that he had something on his head he couldn't get off, we did go to two neighbors to get a little use out of the costume. He got a nerds box to shake (not to eat). I did give him a few bites of a butterfinger to celebrate Halloween. Daddy wasn't so sure about it, but Dean was!


randa_joy said...

I know. It's not supposed to be hot. One should be layered and/or bundled by this time of year. I think I'm finally surrendered to the idea that there will be NO MORE FURRY stuffed animal-like costumes while we live in the valley! She will have to be a scantily clad fairy or princess.

Ashley Canady said...

What a cutie! It has been a few years since we had a cool Halloween. I think it was 2006

Sandy Ballard said...

At least you got some use out of it. Maybe your next kid can use it too. He's a cutie pie

Jodi Reeve said...

Don't worry, halloween only gets better in the years to come...when kids start to look forward to it. I don't think we even took our first out until he was 2.5 years old and he didn't really get it until 3.5, but it is a lot of fun now!

Juls said...

Did you make that costume?

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Matt's mom made it.

J D C and N said...

Cute costume! Noah's costume had a hood on it and he couldn't stand it either! haha

Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

It's hard to be SO cute...and Dean knows that 1st hand!