Monday, December 13, 2010

When Dean Grows up to be a Man

Dean says funny things all the time, and one of his favorite phrase starters is, "When Dean grows up to be a man"

Some of the things that have followed are:

  •  Dean will go to work with daddy
  • Dean can sit in the front of the car
  • Dean can drive
  • Dean will be a strong man like daddy
  • Dean can eat lots of ice cream
I did an 11 day Isagenix cleanse a few weeks ago and at the end of it he said, "When Dean grows up to be a man, Dean will go to work with Daddy.  When Dean grows up to be a mommy, Dean will do a cleanse!" Hahahaha. Today he said this again and I told him he could do a cleanse when he grows up to be a man and that not just mommies do cleanses.  He got excited and said, "Yes! Yes. Dean will grow up to be a man and go to a cleanse with you mommy, even if Dean is a man."

Today he was playing with playdough and a plastic strainer. He was swishing the dough ball around inside the strainer and said, "Check this out mom."  And then a few minutes later he said, "Did you check it out?"

When he was playing on the computer he did something he enjoyed and he exclaimed, "Holy moley! Did you see that??" That one had me cracking up since I'd never heard him use the expression before.

Dean has taken to repeating us, especially when we're being stern with him. Dean was moving all around at dinner tonight, not staying in his chair and just kind of making messes by touching everything on the table. Matt said, "Dean, you need to control yourself." And Dean quickly replied (almost under his breath), "No! You need to control yourself." Emphasis and all. Matt put him in a time out for sassing and we were both trying not to laugh hard enough for him to hear us.

He's very interested in the digestive process and will occasionally tell me about what's happening to his food.  "The food goes down, down, down into Dean's tummy and goes squish, squish, squish. Then it goes into the guntestines and comes out Dean's bum as pee and poo."

He occasionally gets out my yoga mat, puts in an old Firm Body Parts Abs VHS, and commences doing sit ups. It is hilarious.  He'll say things like, "Dean's getting exercise in Dean's body!"


Amanda said...

I loved this post. The cute things that kids say make it all worth it. You two are so good at teaching and talking and discipline.

Amanda said...

I loved this post. The cute things that kids say make it all worth it. You two are so good at teaching and talking and discipline.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Thanks Amanda. I sometimes have to write these posts, not only because I don't want to forget, but also to remind myself that I'm not failing as a parent! =) Definitely harder than I every could have imagined.