Sunday, December 10, 2006

Go to Girl

I've been at my new job now for 2 weeks. For those of you who didn't catch it, I'm working for the county as a temporary Property Tax helper. Tis the season for property taxes. I took this over a nanny position so I would still be available for the HR assistant position for which I've had two interviews and a test. I'll hopefully be hearing about that job shortly.

This is the first time in my life that I've worked an 8-5 job! I've been tired and I've had more headaches, but it's really nice to be busy and feel productive. My house is not as clean as it used to be, but such is life. At least I'll contribute to our bank account while I'm in a position to do so.

Apparently last year was a horrendous tax season. They started out behind and got backed up like crazy. This year is quite the opposite so far. I don't know why it's so different, but it is. We have about 10 temps helping process the influx of mail until mid-February. Right now we're getting enough mail for all of us to work until about 1:30. The majority of temps are then sent home.

I have thankfully been dubbed the official "go to girl." On my fourth day I was pulled aside by my supervisor; she told me they really liked me and were happy with my work and personality. They told me they needed someone to do miscellaneous jobs around the office to help out the full time people keep up with their work. She told me she wouldn't send me home early and would find work for me if I wanted it.

I'm happy about this for a couple of reasons.
1. I get a full 40 hours of work if I want it.
2. They like me! They really like me!
3. It gives me the opportunity to meet a lot of people and learn their jobs. I almost feel like a manager in training.
4. I'm hoping this will help with references later on.

I'm warming up to the job, and I really enjoy the people I work with. There's only one lady who's a little bitter that I've been getting to work full days. She's probably in her 70's and she will occasionally mutter things like, "I know they'll find things for you to do, but they won't find work for me." Sometimes I want to tell her, "Haven't you learned by now that life isn't fair?" But I can understand her frustration. That doesn't mean I'm volunteering to give up my "go to" status to her, however.


Anonymous said...

They like you! They really like you! Yahoo. Good for you. All of your work ethic and personality skillz are finally being noticed and rewarded.

Sarah said...

I'm so glad they like you at work! It really is nice to work for people who recognize work ethic and personality and reward it. Hopefully this means you'll have a better shot at the job coming up that you blogged about a few months ago...