Tuesday, October 05, 2010

I think I am raising a reader...

Dean loves to keep books in his bed to look at while he goes to sleep, but I had to laugh when I saw this. After church one day, he piled almost all of his books into Walter's crib and then slept on top of them! He did transfer himself back to his own bed before his nap was over, but this just cracked me up.


Erin S. said...

LOL! That's hilarious!

Lindsay said...

That's awesome! He doesn't pile all of the books into bed with him, but Garrett won't go to sleep unless he has a small stack with him in bed. After I tuck him in and leave the room, I always hear him "reading" to himself.

(And hey -- I have that same vintage cloth book. I bought the fabric for it a few years ago, but finally sewed it together this summer. I love it!)