Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Please just be lack of sleep...

My emotions were all over the place tonight. You know when you're about to cry for no good reason, and you know that there's no reason to cry, but you can't stop yourself?? Yeah. That was me. I've have especially horrible sleep this past week, though. Three days of insomnia where I couldn't go to sleep before 2 AM (ish) plus having to get up and nurse after I do fall asleep. I haven't really been able to take naps either. So, I'm really, really hoping my off the wall emotions are just from lack of sleep (and exercise...I really need a double stroller pronto!) and that it's not an indication that I'm going to start my period. I am not ready for that yet!


Lindsay said...

My emotions were all over the place a few days ago -- My days with a super colicky baby and a wired toddler have been exhausting, and then I'm up all night, too. I was wondering if maybe my defenses were just down or something but then...it started. Blast. I was kind of hoping for a bit more time, too. Good luck! I hope it gets better for you soon!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure nursing's supposed to delay the start, so that's probably why you've started already. That stinks though!