Thursday, April 10, 2008


Well, sorry for the delay in programming. I have things to write about, I've just been a bit busy. Matt and I were asked to speak in church this Sunday, and I'm having a difficult time narrowing down a topic. It's pretty open ended. Impressions from conference, prophet, conversion, etc.

I've also been working a lot on my page in a bag for April. Pretty close to finished.

Now that he can roll over, we've been working on Dean's new trick. Sitting. He's definitely getting stronger and learning to sit better. At least he can stay up for a few seconds on his own before he face plants.


Erin S. said...

Wow, that is a broad topic! Let me know if you need help with Dean on Sunday. Dean is getting all grown up! (I still like the robot shirt!)

Lindsay said...

oooh...sitting. What a glorious day it was for me when Garrett started sitting truly independently and I didn't have to keep worrying about him toppling over. You are very close to very good times, my friend. :)