Monday, April 07, 2008

April 7th: 1981-1991

1981: And so it began
From my mom this morning:
"What an exciting day it was on April 7, 1981. After a day and a half of labor the doctor told Dad that you would probably not arrive until 6 AM. Ah, the joys of a posterior baby. But Dad thought I had had enough and laid his hands on my head and gave me a blessing and wahla! you were born! At the time I thought it was weird that all the nurses and the doctor started running around like crazy acting like they were so surprised. I thought, what did you think we were here for?
After 4 dark headed babies Julie was quite blond with blond eyelashes and eyebrows. Then you were rather strawberry blond with blond eyelashes and eyebrows."

1982: Not my first introduction to sugar.

1983: How could anyone resist that smile?
1984: Not my cutest year ever. (age 3)
1985 Not pictured...but 1986: in the neighborhood
1987: The little proper princess and side kick.
1988: Couldn't find a birthday picture, but this Easter one would have been within a week or two.

1989: Baptism, two parties, and two cakes. Don't drop it now...

1990: Girls, girls, girls. This was a slumber party if I remember correctly. In my journal I wrote, "I had 14 girls at my party. Eric got mad at the girls. It was fun." HAHAHA. I believe he had a state baseball game the next day and was mad we were so loud. I also remember having a hard time falling asleep and Bryan, my oldest brother tried to teach me the "tense your body/relax your body" trick. It didn't work then for me and still doesn't work for me!

1991: Don't look so happy girl!
So there you have it. The first 10 years of my life.

17 years later I'm still in touch with quite a few of those friends pictured, I live in TX, am married, and have the cutest little baby. I couldn't be happier!


MDawg said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fun day!

Mrs. Hass-Bark said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your day is wonderful!!

Lindsay said...

Happy happy birthday!! You make sure those boys of your take care of you today! :)

BWaterman said...

happy birthday!

i loved the pictures -- and the idea of compiling birthday pictures for every year.

i think i was wearing a donny osmond shirt in one of those.

and i couldn't have taught you that trick in 1990: i'd already left home by then! i would have been living somewhere in new jersey.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Dang Bry! I could have sworn that was when you taught me that. Guess that's why we write things down.

Juls said...

Happy birthday! I loved the one with me in my too short white shorts. No one else noticed and my head is cut off, but I know it is me :)

I love the princess dress it looks like a patchwork quilt. I wonder if mom still has it.

I know in your pictures we look a lot alike until we are about 4 :) You are the best little sis!

randa_joy said...

Hap-hap-happy birthday Celia! Thanks for sharing the cute pics!

Brooke said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a GREAT day! I love all the pictures. I still totally remember you being some of those ages. You were (and still are!) so cute!

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

Love this birthday post! What a great idea! I am totally stealing this one if I can get my act together! :)


Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Thank you everyone!! I am having a great day so far. We were going to go out to dinner, but Dean's sleep got a little messed up (plus it's kinda hard when he goes to bed by 6:30 and my lessons end after 5:30), so we'll probably just end up getting Quiznos or something and renting a movie.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Strike that. Ended up going with burgers and onion rings and we'll watch the latest episode of Battlestar Galactica since we missed it.

Meg and Jeremy said...

Happy Birthday! April is such a great month for birthdays! Mine is on the 10th.

Cannon said...

wow. you have got it made if dean goes to bed at 6:30. Just find a nice 12-year-old who will come for a $5 flat fee to watch TV and call you in case he wakes up. Dinner without a baby is even better than dinner with a tired baby.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

We would have done that last night, but it was monday and the only person I trust to baby sit him is LDS (FHE) and very busy during the school week. But, she is going to come and baby sit (ie sit and watch tv or play the piano while he sleeps) while we go to a movie this Saturday for my birthday activity.

Carrie LaHaie said...

Happy Late Birthday! Oh my gosh I remember those slumber parties!! We told some of the scariest ghost you remember going over to Sheree's the next morning and scaring me to death with the porcelain dolls?? Good times...Hope your birthday was great!!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

Carrie, I didn't remember that about Sheree's, but now that you mention it...

How funny are little girls?